logo AyiConnect Staff, Apr 30, 2019
Read 3 days ago

We all want to have an unbreakable bond with our children, right? And feel like they can talk to us about anything. It all begins in childhood and how we speak to our children when they are young. That's why our inquisitive nature brought us to think about the word "no" and the effects it has on our kids when we speak to them. 

Often we hear parents ask - should I use the word "no" to my young children?

   Talking and listening to children does lots of important things for the fundamental development of their growth. It improves your bond with them and encourages them to open up and listen to you. It also helps them to build self-awareness and self-esteem. That's when positive discipline and positive parenting solutions start to become crucial.

   Even more broadly, fostering good communication skills with your child assists in developing skills within their primary areas of required growth. It is a critical component to nurturing their cognitive development, social and emotional development, and speech and language development.

   "No" is a term that is important for children to identify and understand what it means to them and how they should react accordingly. The right amount of "no" will help them establish boundaries while balancing the need to explore and grow. 


positive parenting: should I say no to my young kids


Some essential tips to positive parenting include:


Let your child talkLet them finish speaking without interrupting and then respond. This allows them to build language confidence and better develop their speech and language.

  • Use language your child understands

   As part of the social and emotional development, it is crucial that you are on the same level and your child can partake in the conversations because it is at a complexity they are comfortable with.

  • Avoid criticism and blame.

   They are in the throes of learning problem solving and will be much better equipped if they learn problems can be solved in a level-headed manner without negative connotations.

  • Be Positive

   Find optimistic ways to explaining things to your child to help them further develop emotional intelligence.

   Ultimately, all words have a place within your child’s vocabulary, and it is important to work “no” into language and conversations in a healthy way. Following positive discipline knowledge and positive parenting solutions, you will find your way with your young children. Most importantly, remember to not be too hard on yourself or overthink things because being a parent is a tough gig, and you are likely doing an incredible job already!


  AyiConnect is a platform to connect families with helpers who have a language specialty in addition to care. You can engage with them directly through self service or concierge service. The concierge 1:1 service can provide another option to ensure success matches for busy families who don't have time to search or need language assist. Schedule a free consultation here for our concierge service, or check us out on ayiconnection.com